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Injecting Mockito mocks into a Spring bean

As of Spring 3.2, this is no longer an issue. Spring now supports Autowiring of the results of generic factory methods. See the section entitled "Generic Factory Methods" in this blog post:

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The key point is:

> In Spring 3.2, generic return types for factory methods are now
> properly inferred, and autowiring by type for mocks should work as
> expected. As a result, custom work-arounds such as a
> MockitoFactoryBean, EasyMockFactoryBean, or Springockito are likely no
> longer necessary.

Which means this should work out of the box:

<bean id="dao" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock">
<constructor-arg value="com.package.Dao" />

**Update** - new answer here:

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. This answer only applies to those on Spring versions before 3.2.

I've looked for a while for a more definitive solution to this. This blog post seems to cover all my needs and doesn't rely on ordering of bean declarations. All credit to Mattias Severson.

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Basically, implement a FactoryBean

package com.jayway.springmock;

import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean;

* A {@link FactoryBean} for creating mocked beans based on Mockito so that they
* can be {@link @Autowired} into Spring test configurations.
* @author Mattias Severson, Jayway
* @see FactoryBean
* @see org.mockito.Mockito
public class MockitoFactoryBean<T> implements FactoryBean<T> {

private Class<T> classToBeMocked;

* Creates a Mockito mock instance of the provided class.
* @param classToBeMocked The class to be mocked.
public MockitoFactoryBean(Class<T> classToBeMocked) {
this.classToBeMocked = classToBeMocked;

public T getObject() throws Exception {
return Mockito.mock(classToBeMocked);

public Class<?> getObjectType() {
return classToBeMocked;

public boolean isSingleton() {
return true;

Next update your spring config with the following:

<context:component-scan base-package="com.jayway.example"/>

<bean id="someDependencyMock" class="com.jayway.springmock.MockitoFactoryBean">
<constructor-arg name="classToBeMocked" value="com.jayway.example.SomeDependency" />

I can do the following using Mockito:

<bean id="stateMachine" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock">
<constructor-arg value="com.abcd.StateMachine"/>

I use a combination of the approach used in answer by Markus T and a simple helper implementation of `ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar` that looks for a custom annotation (`@MockedBeans`) in which one can specify which classes are to be mocked. I believe that this approach results in a concise unit test with some of the boilerplate code related to mocking removed.

Here's how a sample unit test looks with that approach:

public class ExampleServiceIntegrationTest {

//our service under test, with mocked dependencies injected
ExampleService exampleService;

//we can autowire mocked beans if we need to used them in tests
DependencyBeanA dependencyBeanA;

public void testSomeMethod() {
verify(dependencyBeanA, times(1)).someDependencyMethod();

* Inner class configuration object for this test. Spring will read it thanks to
* @ContextConfiguration(loader=AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class) annotation on the test class.
@Import(TestAppConfig.class) //TestAppConfig may contain some common integration testing configuration
@MockedBeans({DependencyBeanA.class, DependencyBeanB.class, AnotherDependency.class}) //Beans to be mocked
static class ContextConfiguration {

public ExampleService exampleService() {
return new ExampleService(); //our service under test

To make this happen you need to define two simple helper classes - custom annotation (`@MockedBeans`) and a custom
`ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar` implementation. `@MockedBeans` annotation definition needs to be annotated with `@Import(CustomImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar.class)` and the `ImportBeanDefinitionRgistrar` needs to add mocked beans definitions to the configuration in it's `registerBeanDefinitions` method.

If you like the approach you can find sample [implementations][2] on my [blogpost][1].


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I developed a solution based on the proposal of Kresimir Nesek. I added a new annotation *@EnableMockedBean* in order to make the code a bit cleaner and modular.

public class MockedBeanTest {

private HelloWorldService helloWorldService;

private MiddleComponent middleComponent;

public void helloWorldIsCalledOnlyOnce() {


// THEN HelloWorldService is called only once
verify(helloWorldService, times(1)).getHelloMessage();


I have written a [post](

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) explaining it.

Below code works with autowiring - it is not the shortest version but useful when it should work only with standard spring/mockito jars.

<bean id="dao" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="target"> <bean class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock"> <constructor-arg value="com.package.Dao" /> </bean> </property>
<property name="proxyInterfaces"> <value>com.package.Dao</value> </property>

I would suggest to migrate your project to Spring Boot 1.4. After that you can use new annotation [`@MockBean`][1] to fake your `com.package.Dao`


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If you're using Spring Boot 1.4, it has an awesome way of doing this. Just use new brand `@SpringBootTest` on your class and `@MockBean` on the field and Spring Boot will create a mock of this type and it will inject it into the context (instead of injecting the original one):

public class MyTests {

private RemoteService remoteService;

private Reverser reverser;

public void exampleTest() {
// RemoteService has been injected into the reverser bean
String reverse = reverser.reverseSomeCall();


On the other hand, if you're not using Spring Boot or are you using a previous version, you'll have to do a bit more work:

Create a `@Configuration` bean that injects your mocks into Spring context:

public class MockConfigurer {

public MyBean myBeanSpy() {
return mock(MyBean.class);

Using `@Primary` annotation you're telling spring that this bean has priority if no qualifier are specified.

Make sure you annotate the class with `@Profile("useMocks")` in order to control which classes will use the mock and which ones will use the real bean.

Finally, in your test, activate `userMocks` profile:

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = {Application.class})
public class YourIntegrationTestIT {

private MyBean myBean; //It will be the mock!

public void test() {

If you don't want to use the mock but the real bean, just don't activate `useMocks` profile:

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = {Application.class})
public class AnotherIntegrationTestIT {

private MyBean myBean; //It will be the real implementation!

public void test() {


private MyTestObject testObject;

private MyDependentObject mockedObject;

public void setup() {

This will inject any mocked objects into the test class. In this case it will inject mockedObject into the testObject. This was mentioned above but here is the code.

If you're using **spring >= 3.0**, try using Springs `@Configuration` annotation to define part of the application context

public class DaoTestConfiguration {

public ApplicationService applicationService() {
return mock(ApplicationService.class);


If you don't want to use the @ImportResource, it can be done the other way around too:

<!-- rest of your config -->

<!-- the container recognize this as a Configuration and adds it's beans
to the container -->
<bean class="com.package.DaoTestConfiguration"/>

For more information, have a look at spring-framework-reference : [Java-based container configuration][1]


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