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Is it Possible to Dynamically Return an SSL Certificate in NodeJS?

I want to dynamically return an ssl certificate info in my NodeJS application. I have two domain names linked to the same node application. I only see that the ssl settings can be specified when the server is created. Is it possible to dynamically return ssl certificates based on the requested url?

Otherwise, if I must instead create a second sever instance on another port, will I be able to transparently pipe each request to the original port? Can I make it appear like it's not running on a second port?


`crypto.createCredentials()` is deprecated, so use `tls.createSecureContext()` instead.

[tls.createServer()][1] must have `key` and `cert` in the options, because they are required in the manual. Perhaps `tls.createServer()` uses these parameters as defaults in case `SNICallback` is not supported.

var secureContext = {
'': tls.createSecureContext({
key: fs.readFileSync('../path_to_key1.pem', 'utf8'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('../path_to_cert1.crt', 'utf8'),
ca: fs.readFileSync('../', 'utf8'), // this ca property is optional
'': tls.createSecureContext({
key: fs.readFileSync('../path_to_key2.pem', 'utf8'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('../path_to_cert2.crt', 'utf8'),
ca: fs.readFileSync('../', 'utf8'), // this ca property is optional
try {
var options = {
SNICallback: function (domain, cb) {
if (secureContext[domain]) {
if (cb) {
cb(null, secureContext[domain]);
} else {
// compatibility for older versions of node
return secureContext[domain];
} else {
throw new Error('No keys/certificates for domain requested');
// must list a default key and cert because required by tls.createServer()
key: fs.readFileSync('../path_to_key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('../path_to_cert.crt'),
https.createServer(options, function (req, res) {
res.end('Your dynamic SSL server worked!')
// Here you can put proxy server routing here to send the request
// to the application of your choosing, running on another port.
// node-http-proxy is a great npm package for this
} catch (err){

Inside the server you can use nodejs package [http-proxy][2] to route your https request to your various applications.


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Someone who had opened up an issue in [greenlock-express.js](

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) and referenced this post, so I'll include the way to do this with *Greenlock for Let's Encrypt* here as well:

Use Greenlock.js for Dynamic SSL Certificates

Greenlock does exactly what you need, but bakes in security and convenience.

* Dynamic loading of tls certificates using a structured directory path
* Automated SSL certificate issuance and renewal via Let's Encrypt v2
* Protects against SNI and Host attacks, and domain fronting.

### Install

npm install --save greenlock-express

### Use Let's Encrypt via Greenlock

.init(function getConfig() {
return { package: require("./package.json") };

function httpsWorker(server) {
// Works with any Node app (Express, etc)
var app = require("./my-express-app.js");

// See, all normal stuff here
app.get("/hello", function(req, res) {
res.end("Hello, Encrypted World!");

// Serves on 80 and 443
// Get's SSL certificates magically!

### Documentation

* HTTP / Express Docs: <>.
* API Integration / TCP Docs: <>.
* Screencast Series: [Greenlock for node.js: QuickStart, Config, and Security]()

The video section specifically pertaining to configuration for dynamic domain loading: [2:26 Greenlock for node.js Part 2: Configuration]()

Important Side Note: Security Considerations

Greenlock already mitigates these security issues, but if you're implementing by hand there are some things you should know to stay safe:

In particular, it's *really* important to be aware that you can [make yourself vulnerable](

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) to SQL injection and/or timing attacks when you are dynamically loading ssl certs with code you write yourself.

Though you expect valid bytes like `` to come through node's `tls.SNICallback(sni, cb)` and `req.socket.servername`, you can actually get a visit from `Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;` (or little [Bobby Tables](

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) as we like to call him).

If you're interested in seeing how that exploit could work, I've documented it here in [Greenlock for node.js Part 3: Security Concerns]() and <>

You can also become vulnerable to [Domain Fronting](

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), which is a fairly low-risk attack/side-channel, but is important to know and understand.

Yes, it is possible to do it with one server. But the caveat is that it works on clients that support [SNI][1] - which is most modern browsers.

This is how you do it:


//function to pick out the key + certs dynamically based on the domain name
function getSecureContext (domain) {
return crypto.createCredentials({
key: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/domain.key'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/domain.crt'),
ca: [
// <include all CA certs that you have to> ...

//read them into memory
var secureContext = {
'domain1': getSecureContext('domain1'),
'domain2': getSecureContext('domain2'),
// etc

//provide a SNICallback when you create the options for the https server
var options = {
SNICallback: function (domain) {
return secureContext[domain];
}, // SNICallback is passed the domain name, see NodeJS docs on TLS
cert: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/server.crt'),
key: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/server.key'),

//create your https server
var server = require('https').createServer(options, [requestListener]);
//using Express
var server = require('https').createServer(options, require('express')());

This works because [the options for https][2] is similar to tls.createServer(). Make sure you include all required CA intermediate and root certificates in the crypto.createCredentials call. Also if you have a CA bundle, split them up into multiple single crt files before using them as 'ca' accepts an array of certificates.


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