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Kotlin DSL for creating json objects (without creating garbage)

I am trying to create a DSL for creating JSONObjects. Here is a builder class and a sample usage:

import org.json.JSONObject

fun json(build: JsonObjectBuilder.() -> Unit): JSONObject {
val builder = JsonObjectBuilder()
return builder.json

class JsonObjectBuilder {
val json = JSONObject()

infix fun <T> String.To(value: T) {
json.put(this, value)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val jsonObject =
json {
"name" To "ilkin"
"age" To 37
"male" To true
"contact" To json {
"city" To "istanbul"
"email" To "[email protected]"

The output of the above code is :

{"contact":{"city":"istanbul","email":"[email protected]"},"name":"ilkin","age":37,"male":true}

It works as expected. But it creates an additional JsonObjectBuilder instance every time it creates a json object. Is it possible to write a DSL for creating json objects without extra garbage?

Do you need a DSL? You lose the ability to enforce `String` keys, but vanilla Kotlin isn't that bad :)

"name" to "ilkin",
"age" to 37,
"male" to true,
"contact" to mapOf(
"city" to "istanbul",
"email" to "[email protected]"

Yes, it is possible if you don't need any intermediate representation of the nodes, and if the context is always the same (the recursive calls are no different from each other). This can be done by writing the output immediately.

However, this severely increases code complexity, because you have to process your DSL calls right away without storing them anywhere (again, to avoid redundant objects).

Example (see its demo [here][1]):

class JsonContext internal constructor() {
internal val output = StringBuilder()

private var indentation = 4

private fun StringBuilder.indent() = apply {
for (i in 1..indentation)
append(' ')

private var needsSeparator = false

private fun StringBuilder.separator() = apply {
if (needsSeparator) append(",\n")

infix fun Any) {
output.separator().indent().append("\"$this\": \"$value\"")
needsSeparator = true

infix fun String.toJson(block: JsonContext.() -> Unit) {
output.separator().indent().append("\"$this\": {\n")
indentation += 4
needsSeparator = false
needsSeparator = true
indentation -= 4


fun json(block: JsonContext.() -> Unit) = JsonContext().run {
"{\n" + output.toString() + "\n}"


val j = json {
"a" to 1
"b" to "abc"
"c" toJson {
"d" to 123
"e" toJson {
"f" to "g"

If you don't need indentation but only valid JSON, this can be easily simplified, though.

You can make the `json { }` and `.toJson { }` functions `inline` to get rid even of the lambda classes and thus you achieve almost zero object overhead (one `JsonContext` and the `StringBuilder` with its buffers are still allocated), but that would require you to change the visibility modifiers of the members these functions use: public inline functions can only access `public` or `@PublishedApi internal` members.


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You can use a [Deque][1] as a stack to track your current `JSONObject` context with a single `JsonObjectBuilder`:

fun json(build: JsonObjectBuilder.() -> Unit): JSONObject {
return JsonObjectBuilder().json(build)

class JsonObjectBuilder {
private val deque: Deque<JSONObject> = ArrayDeque()

fun json(build: JsonObjectBuilder.() -> Unit): JSONObject {
return deque.pop()

infix fun <T> String.To(value: T) {
deque.peek().put(this, value)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val jsonObject =
json {
"name" To "ilkin"
"age" To 37
"male" To true
"contact" To json {
"city" To "istanbul"
"email" To "[email protected]"

Example output:

<!-- language: none -->

{"contact":{"city":"istanbul","email":"[email protected]"},"name":"ilkin","age":37,"male":true}

Calling `json` and `build` across multiple threads on a single `JsonObjectBuilder` would be problematic but that shouldn't be a problem for your use case.


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Found another solution. You can just inherit `JSONObject` class without need to create other objects.
<!-- language: kotlin-->

class Json() : JSONObject() {

constructor(init: Json.() -> Unit) : this() {

infix fun <T> String.To(value: T) {
put(this, value)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val jsonObject =
Json {
"name" To "ilkin"
"age" To 37
"male" To true
"contact" To Json {
"city" To "istanbul"
"email" To "[email protected]"

The output of code will be the same.

{"contact":{"city":"istanbul","email":"[email protected]"},"name":"ilkin","age":37,"male":true}

**UPD**: If you use gson library you can look at this [awesome library](

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). It doesn't create any garbage, source code is easy to read and understand.

You could use a library such as

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to build json with
val myJson = json {
"size" to 0
"array" to arrayOf(1,2,3)
"aggs" to {
"num_destinations" to {
"cardinality" to {
"field" to "DestCountry"

Disclaimer: I'm the author of the library.

Updated on Jan 11 2023:<br/>
Replaced `infix fun Json -> Unit)` with `infix fun Json.() -> Unit)` which uses Json block as receiver and invokes after a Json object is created. So no longe need to add Json key inside Json object.

I am not sure if I get the question correctly. You don't want a builder?

import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONObject

class Json() : JSONObject() {

constructor(init: Json.() -> Unit) : this() {

infix fun Json.() -> Unit) {
put(this, Json().apply(json))

infix fun <T> T) {
put(this, value)

infix fun <T> List<T>) {
put(this, JSONArray().apply {
values.forEach { put(it) }

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val json = Json {
"name" to "Roy"
"body" to {
"height" to 173
"weight" to 80
"cars" to listOf(



You will get

"name": "Roy",
"body": {
"weight": 80,
"height": 173
"cars": [

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