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Programmatic access to properties created by property-placeholder

I'm reading properties file using `context:property-placeholder`. How can I access them **programatically** (`@Value` doesn't work - I don't know property titles at the moment of developing)?

The main problem is I can't change `applicationContext.xml` file because it's setted up by "parent" framework

ps. It's strange but `Environment.getProperty` returns `null`

No you can't. `PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer` is a [`BeanFactoryPostProcessor`][1], it is only "alive" during bean creation. When it encounters a `${property}` notation, it tries to resolve that against its internal properties, but it does not make these properties available to the container.

That said: similar questions have appeared again and again, the proposed solution is usually [to subclass `PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer`][2] and make the Properties available to the context manually. Or [use a `PropertiesFactoryBean`][3]


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Spring follows Inversion Of Control approach, this means that we can simply inject particular property into POJO. But there are some cases, when you would like to access property given by name directly from your code - some might see it as anti-pattern - this is palpably true, but lets concentrate on how to do it.

The `PropertiesAccessor` below provides access to properties loaded by `Property Placeholder` and encapsulates container specific stuff. It also caches found properties because call on `AbstractBeanFactory#resolveEmbeddedValue(String)` is not cheap.

public class PropertiesAccessor {

private final AbstractBeanFactory beanFactory;

private final Map<String,String> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

protected PropertiesAccessor(AbstractBeanFactory beanFactory) {
this.beanFactory = beanFactory;

public String getProperty(String key) {
return cache.get(key);

String foundProp = null;
try {
foundProp = beanFactory.resolveEmbeddedValue("${" + key.trim() + "}");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// ok - property was not found

return foundProp;

Found answer at below site:

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<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer" id="propertyConfigurer">
<property name="properties" ref="props" />
<bean id="props" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="location" value="file:C:/CONFIG/"/>

We use the following approach to access properties for our applications

<!-- language: xml -->

<util:properties id="appProperties" location="" />
<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="appProperties"/>

Then you have the luxury of just autowiring properties into beans using a qualifier.

<!-- language: java -->

public class PropertyAccessBean {

private Properties properties;

public void setProperties(Properties properties) { = properties;

public void doSomething() {
String property = properties.getProperty("code.version");


If you have more complex properties you can still use ignore-resource-not-found and ignore-unresolvable. We use this approach to externalise some of our application settings.

<!-- language: xml -->

<util:properties id="appProperties" ignore-resource-not-found="true"
<context:property-placeholder ignore-unresolvable="true" properties-ref="appProperties"/>

Let's asume that you the properties file defined in that "parent" framework

<bean id="applicationProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="location" value="" />

You can use the @Value annotation in this way:

@Value( value = "#{applicationProperties['']}" )
private String myProperty;



annotation works on new releases of Spring (tested on v3.2.2)
Here is how it is done:

1. Map your properties file in spring configuration file

<!--Import Info:

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<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:/" />
2. Create inside (root) your source folder

3. Create a controller class

public class XRDSBuilder
private String myProperty;

public String getMyProperty() { return myProperty; }

Spring will automatically map the content of to your variable inside the controller

[Mapping to a list][1]

Property value:,test2,test3

Controller class configuration:

private List<String> myListProperty;

[Advanced mapping][2]

public class PropertySplitter {

* Example: = KEY1:VALUE1,KEY2:VALUE2
public Map<String, String> map(String property) {
return, ",");

* Example: = KEY1:VALUE1.1,VALUE1.2;KEY2:VALUE2.1,VALUE2.2
public Map<String, List<String>> mapOfList(String property) {
Map<String, String> map =, ";");

Map<String, List<String>> mapOfList = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
mapOfList.put(entry.getKey(), this.list(entry.getValue()));

return mapOfList;

public List<String> list(String property) {
return this.list(property, ",");

* Example: = VALUE1.1,VALUE1.2;VALUE2.1,VALUE2.2
public List<List<String>> groupedList(String property) {
List<String> unGroupedList = this.list(property, ";");

List<List<String>> groupedList = new ArrayList<>();
for (String group : unGroupedList) {

return groupedList;


private List<String> list(String property, String splitter) {
return Splitter.on(splitter).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().splitToList(property);

private Map<String, String> map(String property, String splitter) {
return Splitter.on(splitter).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().withKeyValueSeparator(":").split(property);

Property value:,test2:value2

Controller class:

Map<String, String> myComplexProperty;


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Create beans for your properties before putting them in property-placeholder to make the properties easy to access in-code.


<bean id="configProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="resources" value="classpath:META-INF/spring/" />

<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="configProperties" ignore-unresolvable="true"/>


private PropertiesFactoryBean configProperties;

You can also use @Resource(name="configProperties")

<util:properties id="prop" location="location of prop file" />

This return java.util.Properties object

In JAVA Code

Properties prop = (Properties) context.getBean("prop");

Now you can access ,


This works if you need to scan multiple locations for your properties ...

<bean id="yourProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="locations">
<array value-type="">
<property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true" />
<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="yourProperties" ignore-unresolvable="true"/>

And then in your actual classes ...

Properties yourProperties;

Tested using Spring 5.1.4

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