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Select Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core MVC

I need some help with the select tag helper in ASP.NET Core.

I have a list of employees that I'm trying to bind to a select tag helper. My employees are in a `List<Employee> EmployeesList` and selected value will go into `EmployeeId` property. My view model looks like this:

public class MyViewModel
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string Comments { get; set; }
public List<Employee> EmployeesList {get; set; }

My employee class looks like this:

public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FullName { get; set; }

My question is how do I tell my select tag helper to use the `Id` as the value while displaying `FullName` in the drop down list?

<select asp-for="EmployeeId" asp-items="???" />

I'd appreciate some help with this. Thanks.

I created an Interface and a `<options>` tag helper for this. So I didn't have to convert the `IEnumerable<T>` items into `IEnumerable<SelectListItem>` every time I have to populate the `<select>` control.

And I think it works beautifully...

The usage is something like:

<select asp-for="EmployeeId">
<option value="">Please select...</option>
<options asp-items="@Model.EmployeesList" />

And to make it work with the tag helper you have to implement that interface in your class:

public class Employee : IIntegerListItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FullName { get; set; }

public int Value { return Id; }
public string Text{ return FullName ; }

These are the needed codes:

The interface:

public interface IIntegerListItem
int Value { get; }
string Text { get; }

The `<options>` tag helper:

[HtmlTargetElement("options", Attributes = "asp-items")]
public class OptionsTagHelper : TagHelper
public OptionsTagHelper(IHtmlGenerator generator)
Generator = generator;

public IHtmlGenerator Generator { get; set; }

public object Items { get; set; }

public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
// Is this <options /> element a child of a <select/> element the SelectTagHelper targeted?
object formDataEntry;
context.Items.TryGetValue(typeof(SelectTagHelper), out formDataEntry);

var selectedValues = formDataEntry as ICollection<string>;
var encodedValues = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (selectedValues != null && selectedValues.Count != 0)
foreach (var selectedValue in selectedValues)

IEnumerable<SelectListItem> items = null;
if (Items != null)
if (Items is IEnumerable)
var enumerable = Items as IEnumerable;
if (Items is IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)
items = Items as IEnumerable<SelectListItem>;
else if (Items is IEnumerable<IIntegerListItem>)
items = ((IEnumerable<IIntegerListItem>)Items).Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Selected = false, Value = ((IIntegerListItem)x).Value.ToString(), Text = ((IIntegerListItem)x).Text });
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The {2} was unable to provide metadata about '{1}' expression value '{3}' for <options>.",
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid items for <options>");

foreach (var item in items)
bool selected = (selectedValues != null && selectedValues.Contains(item.Value)) || encodedValues.Contains(item.Value);
var selectedAttr = selected ? "selected='selected'" : "";

if (item.Value != null)
output.Content.AppendHtml($"<option value='{item.Value}' {selectedAttr}>{item.Text}</option>");

*There may be some typo but the aim is clear I think. I had to edit a little bit.*

You can also use **IHtmlHelper.GetEnumSelectList.**

// Summary:
// Returns a select list for the given TEnum.
// Type parameters:
// TEnum:
// Type to generate a select list for.
// Returns:
// An System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 containing the select list for the
// given TEnum.
// Exceptions:
// T:System.ArgumentException:
// Thrown if TEnum is not an System.Enum or if it has a System.FlagsAttribute.
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetEnumSelectList<TEnum>() where TEnum : struct;


In Get:

public IActionResult Create()
ViewData["Tags"] = new SelectList(_context.Tags, "Id", "Name");
return View();

In Post:

var selectedIds= Request.Form["Tags"];

In View :

<select asp-for="Tags" id="Tags" name="Tags" class="form-control" asp-items="ViewBag.Tags" multiple></select>

My answer below **doesn't** solve the question but it *relates* to.

If someone is using `enum` instead of a class model, like this example:

public enum Counter
[Display(Name = "Number 1")]
No1 = 1,
[Display(Name = "Number 2")]
No2 = 2,
[Display(Name = "Number 3")]
No3 = 3

And a property to get the value when submiting:

public int No { get; set; }

In the razor page, you can use `Html.GetEnumSelectList<Counter>()` to get the enum properties.

<select asp-for="No" asp-items="@Html.GetEnumSelectList<Counter>()"></select>

It generates the following HTML:

<select id="No" name="No">
<option value="1">Number 1</option>
<option value="2">Number 2</option>
<option value="3">Number 3</option>

You can use below code for **multiple select**:

<!-- language: asp -->

<select asp-for="EmployeeId" multiple="multiple" asp-items="@ViewBag.Employees">
<option>Please select</option>
You can also use:

<select id="EmployeeId" name="EmployeeId" multiple="multiple" asp-items="@ViewBag.Employees">
<option>Please select</option>

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