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Swagger with Flask-Restplus, API and multiple Blueprints

I'm building a very complex microservice using Flask and Flask-Restplus.<br> It will have many endpoints, thus I'm organizing each endpoint into a separate Blueprint.<br><p>

- Currently, I'm struggling with the usage of Flask-Restplus and API **using multiple Blueprints** in combination with swagger
- I want to be able to get all the endpoints of my blueprints into the built-in swagger of API, but this doesn't seem to work.
- I can access my endpoints via postman, but the swagger-UI doesn't show anything. :(

The following example code and directory structure should give you a hint towards my idea:

├── endpoints
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

My main looks like this:

from flask import Flask, Blueprint, logging, jsonify, request, Response
from flask_restplus import Resource, Api

# create app and api
app = Flask(__name__)
api_prefix = '/api/v1/'

# register Blueprints
from endpoints.endpointa import endpointa_api
app.register_blueprint(endpointa_api, url_prefix=api_prefix)

from endpoints.endpointb import endpointb_api
app.register_blueprint(endpointb_api, url_prefix=api_prefix)

from endpoints.endpointc import endpointc_api
app.register_blueprint(endpointc_api, url_prefix=api_prefix)

api = Api(app,
title='Test Service REST-API',
description='A REST-API for the Test Service, implemented in python')

if __name__ == '__main__':, host="", port=5060) with the corresponding Blueprint:

from os import environ
import json, ast, syslog
import requests
import gc
from flask import Flask, Blueprint, logging, jsonify, request, Response
from flask_restplus import Resource, Api

endpointa_api = Blueprint('endpointa_api', __name__)

@endpointa_api.route('testa', methods=['GET'])
def testa():

@endpointa_api.route('testa/<string:testa_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def testa_id():

**Again: <p> I can access my endpoints via postman, but the swagger-UI doesn't show anything:**

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Normally I would add endpoints to API using something like

api.add_resource(TestClass, api_prefix + 'test')

but this doesn't seem to be possible with multiple Blueprints.

<P>**Can anyone show me how to add/register these Blueprints (endpointa_api, endpointb_api and endpointc_api) with Api ?**</p>


There are 2 possible solutions using Flask-Restplus:

- Use Flask-RestPlus namespaces
- Turn your blueprints into Flask-RestPlus `Api`s

You can read about both in the documentation:

[To see links please register here]


> Flask-RESTPlus provides a way to use almost the same pattern as Flask’s blueprint. The main idea is to split your app into reusable namespaces.

from flask_restplus import Api

from .namespace1 import api as ns1
from .namespace2 import api as ns2
# ...
from .namespaceX import api as nsX

api = Api(
title='My Title',
description='A description',
# All API metadatas

# ...

**Blueprint Apis**

> Here’s an example of how to link an Api up to a Blueprint.

from flask import Blueprint
from flask_restplus import Api

blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__)
api = Api(blueprint)
# ...

> Using a blueprint will allow you to mount your API on any url prefix
> and/or subdomain in you application:

from flask import Flask
from apis import blueprint as api

app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_blueprint(api, url_prefix='/api/1')

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